Washing your products
If the item is a pacifier, please use this step by step guide!
Run the teat of the paci under some warm water with dish soap or clean with a pacifier wipe if you have those available to you!
If you want to take apart your products, please follow this guide
- Pull on one side of the handle by hooking your finger and pulling in your direction, it should then pop out!
- Once one side is popped out pull gently on the other side of the handle, which should wiggle out
- After the handle is detached, place your fingers on the button, not the centre, the button and pull gently towards you!
- After the button has come off detach the teat and pull it out through the back of the base.
Then you are done! To put back together do all these steps but in backwards order.
If your item is a teether bracelet, soak the bracelet in some hot water with soap for 5 minutes then pat dry!